McAfee Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) is a real-time security solution to provide knowledge of threats and risks. ESM allows firms to speed up the scale to identify advanced threats, respond fastly and ensure ongoing compliance scanning. The ESM security team can act smarter with real-time info and valid data to respond to advanced threats. This advanced security of McAfee offers real-time and continuous visibility of all activities on all systems, apps, and networks.
Why Choose McAfee Enterprise Security Manager?
Threat and Risk Detection
McAfee Enterprise Security Manager provides real-time monitoring of threats with risk analysis, valid data, and security posture. This robust ESM security solution offers a brilliant engine to pride threat prioritization and risk scoring. It improves threat detection and prevention and also lowers the risk. Integrating McAfee ESM with other advanced tools of McAfee helps detect and remove advanced threats in minutes from all systems of the firm.
Policy and Compliance Management
Policy and compliance management, when done in the right way, ensure following legal firm needs and lowers risk. McAfee Enterprise Security Manager offers many pre-built dashboards, reports, and audit trails for easy compliance management of the firm. It helps McAfee Enterprise Security Manager to identify advanced threats and provide security. McAfee SIEM also supports Unified Control Framework to report policies against 240 plus control and regulations framework.
Brings Data When in Need
McAfee Enterprise Security Manager security tool ensures to collect and process events of many years. It also provides to keep all vital data and info and make it available when in need. It helps to resolve quick ad hoc queries and resolve the problem. McAfee ESM also makes data or the info available for rules validation forensics and compliance. This timely availability of helpful info help removes external or internal threats.
How to Set Up McAfee Enterprise Security Manager with Firebox?
The Firebox is a robust security tool to control and manage all traffic between external and trusted networks. Like McAfee Enterprise Security Manager, Firebox provides complete security to the firm. Here, you will know how to combine McAfee Enterprise Security Manager and its Event Receiver with Firebox. This integration helps to allow log analysis on the McAfee SIEM system. Before you start with the steps below, you must set up Firebox in the right way.
- First, sign in to the McAfee Enterprise Security Manager Web user interface.
- Set all other initial settings required to add an Event Receiver.
- Hit on the three lines at the top left corner to expand the navigation bar.
- From the navigation bar, click on the More Settings option.
- After that, hit the box icon with the plus sign to add McAfee Event Receiver.
- Choose “McAfee Event Receiver” from the list of devices you want to install.
- Click the Next button and type the device name in the next window.
- Again, hit Next and enter the IP address in the “Target IP Address or URL” box. It is the IP address where the Event Receiver is installed in the system.
- Click Next and enter the new password for your system. Ensure that you meet all the password standards while typing the new password. You also have to retype the password to confirm it.
- Hit the Next button again, and a message will appear “Your device has been successfully keyed.” Click the Finish button.
- Choose the Event receiver added (e.g., Event Receiver for Watch Guard) and click on the arrow-plus sign to add the data source.
- Choose “WatchGuard Technologies” from the “Data Source Vendor” drop-down list.
- Choose the Default option from the drop-down list of “Data Format.”
- Select the option “SYSLOG (Default)” from the drop-down list of “Data Retrieval.”
- Type the data source name in the Name box and enter the Data Source IP address in the IP address box. It is the Firebox IP address.
- Choose “Parse as generic Syslog” from the “Support Generic Syslog” drop-down list.
- In the same way, choose “User Defined 1” in the “Generic Rule Assignment” option.
- Also, select the Firebox time zone in the “Time Zone” option.
- Keep other settings as it is and hit on the Interface.
- Set Interface 2 to Management in the interface list of the “Network Interface Settings” window.
- Hit the Setup and enter the “Event Receiver interface” IP address in the IPv4 box.
- Enter the netmask in the Netmask box for the interface IP address.
- Click on the Ok button to complete Interface Settings and then again hit OK to add Data Source.
- In the Rollout window, choose “WatchGuard Firebox” and hit OK to finish the Data Source rollout.
Final Verdict
McAfee Enterprise Security Manager (ESM) provides a robust security solution. You can set the McAfee with Firebox; this helps create log analysis on the McAfee. You can set up the McAfee ESM with other security tools to give complete security.
How do you define McAfee Enterprise Security Manager?
McAfee Enterprise Security Manager is a security info and event management tool to provide a way to prioritize, detect and respond to advanced threats. It helps in the early detection and prevention of threats.
What are the key benefits of McAfee Enterprise Security Manager?
McAfee Enterprise Security Manager collects vast data and provides info in minutes. It also scans real-time threats and risks. It combines with other advanced security tools to improve security.
Why set up McAfee Enterprise Security Manager?
The McAfee Enterprise Security Manager has many benefits; it is helpful and flexible. It also provides low-cost deployment and centralized management to improve security solutions.
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